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Jet-sons (Rockabilly, PL)

Publicat in: 28.02.2013, 06:21AM
Autor: Richard Constantinidi
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Vizualizari: 3478
Etichete: Booze Ride Tour, Burning Chords Records, Drunkmen Bop, Elvis Presley Tribute Compilation, Garage Rockabilly, Jet-sons, Jet-sons Rockabilly Trio, Poland, Psychobilly, Rockabilly, Tribute To The Cramps
Jet-sons (Rockabilly, PL)Rockabilly Garage (2009, Burning Chords Records) is a name of the debut album for The Jet-sons – Polish rockabilly trio, originating from the deep south of Poland.

Rural farmboys and hillbillies, Dominic pickin’ the geetar, Tommy slappin’ the bull bass and Niko bangin’drums and doin’washboards, have played in this band since 2003.

Besides the debut album, The Jet-sons made a Tribute album toJohnny Cash (sold worldwide) – and recorded tracks for Tribute to Elvis and Tribute to The Cramps (both Sound Action Promotions compilations, South Africa).

They are regulary tourin’ Europe since 2007.

CZB: What were you doing when you found about about your revolution and how did you feel about this?
Niko (Jet-sons): Well, I don’t know what revolution we’re talking about but if there were any revolution I felt damn good… finally, it’s a revolution!

CZB: How did you discover rockabilly-psychobilly music?

Niko (Jet-sons): I can’t remember how it happened. From record to record we’re gettin’ more into rockabilly and psychobilly.

CZB: What does Garage Rockabilly mean to you?

Niko (Jet-sons): It’s all about sound of the band on this record. Also, when we were workin’ on this album our rehearsal room was located in the garage of our home so we’ve got two meanings for it.

CZBJohnny Cash. How did you discover his music?
Niko (Jet-sons): One day we just found his records and fell in love with them.

CZB: How did you feel when you found out Johnny Cash passed away?
Niko (Jet-sons): Well it’s was sad news for us but as Johnny Cash sang ‘Life goes on and so will I’, there is no time for desolation. Johnny Cash left us many great songs and he will always be with us, so maybe we’ve lost a body but the spirit and soul is here to stay.

I’m a smartass… haha

CZB: Your band was founded the year Johnny Cash died. Do you hold some kind of yearly concert commemorating his death on September 12th?
Niko (Jet-sons): Nope, I think it’s better to play at birthday date. Playing shows the day someone passed away? It doesn’t seem right to me …let’s make a birthday party!

It’s more joyful than a funeral!

CZBJohnny Cash was a profoundly religious believer. Do you have this message in the songs as well?

Niko (Jet-sons): We don’t put any religious stuff into our songs. We don’t want to be on a bright or a dark side… we don’t really care about that.

CZB: Does the love for the music go as far as a certain love for America, the country where the music comes from?

Niko (Jet-sons): Well, that’s a hard one. I love some parts of the United States culture and heritage: music, the South, cars, ads, side shows and some more stuff like that, more connected to folk than to main stream. But I can’t say I love the United States for everything, there is some bad shit they’re to blame for and I dislike it.

CZB: Have you been to Memphis or do you plan to go there? What are some places you would like to see if you ever travel to the USA?
Niko (Jet-sons): As I’ve said, the Southern States rule so I’d like to go there. Maybe some day… For sure Memphis is that place I’ll be proud to see but more interesting for me are backwoods, you know what I mean… not those places that everybody should visit and take a photo of. I’d like to take a peek at the real life out there.

CZB: You’ve played many countries in East Europe. Why haven’t you been to Russia …

Niko (Jet-sons): I don’t know, no one asked us to play there. I’d love to go there some day. We’ve been to the Ukraine and we enjoyed it a lot!

So anyone from Russia, we’re waitin’ … :)

CZBThe Booze Ride Tour will take you for the first time to France, Belgium, Italy. What do you expect from the audiences the first time you play to a new crowd?

Niko (Jet-sons): Yes, we’re playing there for the very first time. We’re expecting good fun at our shows and we hope that everybody will enjoy our music… there re no special wishes.

CZB: How did you get to release a record in South Africa?

Niko (Jet-sons): Ernie, a guy from South Africa found our MySpace site and dropped us a line about an Elvis Presley Tribute Compilation, so we agreed. That was two years ago. That same year he released a Tribute to The Cramps compilation so we joined the line up on that album too.

CZBThe Booze RideDrunkmen Bop… What is your poison? Do you drink together as a band during your free time as well?

Niko (Jet-sons): I can’t tell you what our poison is. It’s a secret! Haha. We don’t drink as much as you think. Drunkmen Bop is song about drinkin’ indeed …but everyone needs to get fucked up from time to time.

Booze Ride is the name of another song which is number one on our tour playlist so it was a coincidence.

We’re innocent! haha.

What I can tell you is that Tommy likes beer. He drinks beer all the time, everywhere and with everyone.

CZB: What different drinks have you discovered traveling around different European countries? Are there certain foods and drinks you look forward to, traveling to different countries?

Niko (Jet-sons): In Germany we fell in love with hamburgers from a certain burger car… can’t remember the name but they were awesome!

That’s it for the time being… we’re very choosy haha.

Hope to catch some tasty shit on The Booze Ride Tour! See ya there!

Interview: RiCo

with: Niko (Jet-sons drummer, from Poland)

Wed. March 31, 2010

The Jet-sons Rockabilly Trio



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