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2014.NOV.9. B. Green Hours. Gyárfás István Trio

Publicat in: 04.11.2014, 06:34AM
Autor: Richard Constantinidi
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Vizualizari: 740
Etichete: Green Hours, Gyárfás István Trio
2014.NOV.9. B. Green Hours. Gyárfás István TrioGreen Hours presents,
with the support of the Cultural Center of Hungary in Bucharest:

Gyárfás István Trio (HU) 

  • Gyárfás István - guitar
  • Oláh Zoltán - bass
  • Cseh Balázs - drums

The Gyárfás István Trio is one of the most popular band in the Hungarian jazz scene.

Until now, the trio has released 5 CDs - “Live at the Jazz Café”, “Midnight in Pest”, “Tale”, “Nairobi Romance” and “Old Amsterdam” - with the cooperation of soloists like DeseÅ‘ Csaba, Fábián Juli, Winand Gábor or the American saxophonist, Big Red Ron.

They have performed at numerous festivals all over Europe with great success, and they had tours in Kenya and Indonesia as well.

The band has had the honour to play concerts with such foreign soloists as Joe Murányi, Carol Cass, Sidney Ellis, Agostino DiGiorgio, Tommy Vig, Bosko Petrovic, Eldad Tarmu, Kim Hutchcroft and Herbie Mann.

In 2014, Gyárfás István was voted for the \"guitarist of the year\" award on jazzma.hu, the most prestigious hungarian jazz magazine.

entrance: 30 lei
reservations: 0788 452 485 (M-F: 11-18) / concerte@greenhours.ro
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