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The Tazmanian Devils (Psychobilly, DE)

Publicat in: 07.02.2013, 06:15AM
Autor: Richard Constantinidi
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Vizualizari: 3401
Etichete: Holy Hack Jacks, Kleingärtnerverein Immenrode, Psychobilly, Razmataz Records, Rockabilly, Salmi, Tazmanian Devils, Ukrabilly Bang Festival, Vermona Studios
The Tazmanian Devils (Psychobilly, DE)

The Tazmanian Devils’ insane and melodic sound perfectly combines classic Rockabilly-style with wild madness and horror-charme. These two lads and a female drummer pay homage to the original Psychobilly movement of the 80’s. The guitar is undistorted and rhythmical, coupled with a steady paced rockabilly rhythm section and squeaky, growling vocals with cliché lyrics about zombies and skeletons.

The Tazmanian Devils are from Leipzig (well, actually Naumberg), Germany and all of the tracks on the album are self-penned. Their record company, RazmaTaz, is issuing this album on red vinyl only. 

Salmi (the lead guitarist from The Tazmanian Devils) was patient enough to get back to us. Sorry for this interview, but we are still trying to get over New Years’ hangover, guys.

CZB: When did you first watch a Tasmanian Devil cartoon and did you think at that very moment in your early childhood that this animated beast could affect the rest of your life … or was naming the band a whim of the moment?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Oh yeah, we already played music as The Tazmanian Devils in our childhood! This was “Grammar School Psychobilly”. One day Warner Bros. Checked out a gig of ours and created The Tazmanian Devil … you know … from the cartoon. Today we’re old and got a lot of money from Warner Bros. And this is “Oldschool Psychobilly”!

Hahaha … just joking … Oh no, we never knew before, that we’ll have a Psychobilly group one day, when we were children. I remember, that I’ve seen the “Original Taz” on TV. But the name was just made up, cause it sounds very cool and we didn’t have any other ideas for a name.

CZB: Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): The big bad wolf??? Who’s that fuckin’ doggy?? Hahaha… :) Oh no, we’re not afraid of any wolves… Even not of Dracula… We wanna drink some beers with him and have a great ball, when we arrive in Transylvania!

CZB: Is the Tasmanian Devil one of those extinct species you feel sorry for and are there any other extinct animal species you would like to come back to life?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): The Tasmanian Devil isn’t extinct!! This species has been protected in Tasmania since the 40′s, but it’s not an extinct species.

I’d like the Velociraptor or the Phorusrhacos coming back to life. Ever heard of these names?? Wow, real crazy animals… pure Oldschool Psycho hahaha…

Byte. Thylacinus cynocephalus; Greek for “dog-headed pouched one” was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times. It was commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger (because of its striped back) or the Tasmanian Wolf. This species became extinct in 1936.

Because they were seen as a threat to livestock in Tasmania, Tasmanian Devils were hunted until 1941, when they became officially protected.

CZB: Have you ever been to Tasmania?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): No… But we hope, someday we’ll rock that country too!

CZB: Is this your first time in ROmania?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Yes… And we’re looking forward for it!!!

CZB: I see you had an East Europe Tour in October. What was Kiev like?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): It wasn’t the first time we played in Kiev. We’ve played there few month before. We found a lot of friends in the Ukraine. The Ukrabilly Crew are very very nice people and good friends of ours. We had a great time there and met a bunch of nice people. At The Ukrabilly Bang Festival we played with great bands likeThe Wise GuyzStressorRuki’v'Bruki, … We hope to meet up with them again soon…

CZB: What is the Psychobilly Scene like in Leipzig … and in Germany?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): In Germany there’s a very huge Psychobilly Scene. I might say, that it’s the country with the biggest crowd and the most bands. There are lots of young Psychos, who especially love the Old 80′s Psychobilly Style and young bands playing very good Oldschool Psychobilly like The Holy Hack Jacks for example…

The scene is well-organized with many concerts and festivals around the year. Four festivals we especially love are:

  • The Horrorado Stomp in Bremen
  • The Rock’n'Roll Attack in Jena
  • The Wandering in Erfurt
  • … and of course the legendary Satanic Stomp in Speyer

CZB: If you were confined to hell and had to choose between listening to Death Metal OR Classical Music, which would you choose to listen to for ETERNITY?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Can I also choose “Classical Metal”??? :)

CZB: How did Michael Jackson‘s death affect you?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Who’s that? Michael Jackson?? And he’s dead?? Never heard of that person before… :) ))

CZB: Do you dream in color or black and white?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Mostly in wet… ;)

CZB: Do you like answering stupid question interviews?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Oh yes? Haha…

And you? Do you dream in 3-D-Reality or in Comic Style??

CZB: I really don’t know. I usually wake up before I can remember anything, and then they sedate me and put my straight jacket back on and feed me through a tube till I have to think up another Psychobilly interview.

CZB: Where do you guys work when you’re not on-stage?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Laura is studying media design, David works as a “Stage Hand” for very big artists on very big concerts and I’m working as an operating assistant in an Out-Patient Clinic. But we’re also working in our own record studio named Vermona Studios under our own Record Label RazmaTaz Records.

CZB: Does your drummer have a Barbie Doll collection hidden upstairs in the Attic?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Oh I don’t think she does …but I guess she might have a collection of corpses…

CZB: What music were you listening to before you decided to play and promote Psychobilly Punk?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): The same music as today. David is a Rockabilly since his childhood. Laura and me were growing up with 70′s Punkrock, Oi!, Ska/ Rocksteady, 50′s Rock’n'Roll, Swing, Jazz, Rockabilly and Psychobilly.

It’s the same today. Nothing has changed…

CZB: Do you consider German policemen stupid?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): We don’t consider a person stupid, because he’s a policeman!! He even can be a doctor or a lawyer or a nobody… There are always stupid people and good people. Even Policemen! It’s only stupid to consider all policemen as being stupid.

CZB: Do you root for FC St. PauliFC Leipzig or Quedlinburger Sportverein 04?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils):…No, we root for Kleingärtnerverein Immenrode e.V.

CZB: What do your parents think of your dress code and the band you have?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): It’s not the favourite music style of our parents, but I know that they respect our music, accept our dress code and are proud of all the things we do…

CZB: Do you see yourselves playing the same kind of music in five years or are you open towards change and rhythm diversity?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): Yes, we will definitely be playing the same style…

CZB: Why should I come to see you play live? What do you do differently from other same-genre bands?

Salmi (The Tazmanian Devils): You should come to see us play live to find the answer to your second question on your own! :) ))

…See you… LIVE


Autor: RiCo

Postat prima dată la CZB în 21.IAN.2010



Main: 2003

Attached 1. Salmi

2-3. 2010

4. Gig Poster. Cluj-Napoca, Romania




  • Salmi (Guitar)
  • Laura (Drums)
  • David (Bass & Vocals)


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