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VOTEAZÄ‚. AG Weinberger la Crossroads Festival

Publicat in: 18.01.2013, 04:14AM
Autor: Richard Constantinidi
Comentarii: 0
Vizualizari: 983
Etichete: 2013 Eric Clapton Crossroads Guitar Festival, Bb King, Crossroads Guitar Festival, Eric Clapton, Ernie Ball, Madison Square Garden
VOTEAZÄ‚. AG Weinberger la Crossroads Festival

Aseară am primit următorul mesaj de la AG Weinberger:

Daca doresti sa ma ajuti, atunci te rog fa click pe link si completeaza 'add your support' ... multumesc  :)

Ca sa reusim avem nevoie de un procentaj de 90% . Deocamdata suntem la 55.8%

Se poate !

Ajutati-ma sa port steagul Romaniei pe scena de la Madison Square Garden din New York in compania lui Eric Clapton, BB King, Buddy Guy si a altor 'aristocrati' ai genului :)

Este vorba de 2013 Eric Clapton Crossroads Guitar Festival (12-13.APR.2013)

Play Crossroads is 100% free to enter!

To enter Play Crossroads, artists must complete a short informational profile and then upload at least one MP3. Entrants should use the Promotional Toolkit provided on each band profile, to promote their entry all over the web and drive traffic to their profile.

The Top 100 overall rated artists will be eligible to win a slot to play live at Madison Square Garden. All 100 artists will be reviewed by a panel of industry professionals comprised of our partners, Crossroads Guitar Festival Organizers, and Ernie Ball Inc.

One Artist will be chosen to perform live on stage at the Madison Square Garden Crossroads Guitar Festival.

The winning artist will earn the opportunity to perform live on the Madison Square Garden Stage in front of thousands of fans alongside main stage headliners.

Prize pack for the winning artist also includes:

  • • Performance Slot on the Main Stage of the 2013 Eric Clapton Crossroads Guitar Festival at the world renowned Madison Square Garden.
  • • Ernie Ball String Package and Endorsement
  • • Ernie Ball Music Man Guitar Endorsement
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