Cory Smoot (1978-2011) Gwar
Autor: Richard Constantinidi
Comentarii: 0
Vizualizari: 1930
Etichete: Cory Smoot, Dave Gibby Gibson, David Brockie, Flattus Maximus, Gwar, Karma Productions, Locus Factor, Mensrea, Misguided, The Cory Smoot Experiment
2011.NOI.3. Cory Smoot. Gwar
S-a descoperit joia trecută, în timp ce formaÅ£ia Gwar (aflată în plin turneu) călătorea în autobuz după concertul din Minneapolis, Minnesota, spre graniÅ£a cu Canada, că tânărul chitarist, Cory Smoot (34), decedase. La o săptămână după decesul neaÅŸteptat, motivele decesului nu au fost făcute publice ÅŸi este deja foarte probabil ca această temă să nu mai fie reluată în presă.
Renumită pentru costumele ei bizare (horror), imnurile metalice ÅŸi dinamismul debordant pe scenă (prin care formaÅ£ia lua peste picior subiecte tabu ÅŸi problemele de actualitate politică ale ţării lor), Gwar s-a înfiinÅ£at în 1984 la Richmond (în statul Virginia). Supra-lorzii mutanÅ£i intergalactici de la Gwar l-au primit pe chitaristul Cory Smoot în formaÅ£ie în 2002. Atunci a adoptat pseudonimul ÅŸi costumaÅ£ia de scenă Flattus Maximus.
DeÅŸi Smoot a decedat pe drum joi, formaÅ£ia a hotărât că turneul trebuie să meargă mai departe (the show must go on) - în stil japonez - ÅŸi vinerea trecută s-a cântat la Edmonton (capitala statului canadian Alberta).
BIO Gwar la CZB
Despre Cory Smoot
Chitaristul deÅ£inea un studio de înregistrări, Karma Productions (cunoscut ÅŸi ca Slave Pit Studios) ÅŸi cânta cu Gwar (din 2002) ÅŸi în paralel cu Mensrea ÅŸi Locus Factor (la tobe). El a înfiinÅ£at Mensrea în 2001 după ce se destrămase prima lui formaÅ£ie, Misguided.
În ultima perioadă, muzicianul era preocupat cu un proiect solo, The Cory Smoot Experiment, în care cânta la toate instrumentele (artistul era perfect conÅŸtient de faptul că este implicat în prea multe proiecte, după cum scrie ÅŸi pe pagina lui de MySpace).
Solistul de la Gwar, David Brockie, a declarat pe saitul oficial al formaţiei:
As the singer of Gwar and one of his best friends, I feel it is my duty to try and answer some of the questions that surround his tragic and untimely death.
The most glaring question is how? And unfortunately that is the hardest question to answer. The truth will not be known until the medical officials have finished their work. All I can do is relate what we saw with our own eyes.
The last time I saw Cory was after our show in Minneapolis on Wednesday night, Cory was happy. He was excited about the band and especially the new studio he was building in the Slave Pit back in Richmond (Virginia). He was deeply in love with his wife, Jamie, and was busily planning their family and future in the beautiful home they had. As usual, after some autographs and banter, I was probably the first person in their bunk as we got ready for a big drive into Canada...
We found Cory the next morning as we collected passports for a border crossing. He was in his bunk, unresponsive, and it quickly was clear that he was dead. It was without a doubt the most horrible moment of my life.
Within moments everybody was off the bus, standing in a wind-swept parking lot in the middle of nowhere, trying to come to grips with the shock of it. First the ambulance arrived, and then the police, but there was nothing that could be done other than fully investigate the scene and remove Cory with care and respect.
We are completely devastated and shocked beyond belief. One night we had our friend and colleague, happy and healthy in the middle of our best tour in years - and the next morning, so suddenly, he was gone. Never have I seen starker proof of the fragility of life.
Cory will be transported home to Richmond over the next few days, and an announcement regarding services will be made soon. We ask everyone to respect the families wish for privacy, and especially to keep his wife, Jamie, in your thoughts and prayers.
As we work our way through these difficult days the question is — what will GWAR do? After a lot of consideration, we have decided to carry on with the tour. Although the great temptation would be to return home, curl into a fetal position, and mourn, we can’t do that. First off, Cory wouldn’t want that. He would want us to go on and would be pissed if we didn’t. Plus we know the fans don’t want us to quit. They are going to want a chance to come to grips with their loss, and there is no better place to do that than at a GWAR show.
That doesn’t mean that Cory will make his final journey without us. When the arrangements have been finalized, Cory’s best friend and GWAR’s music tech Dave Gibby Gibson, and myself will return home to attend the services and pay the proper respects to our comrade.
Out of respect to Cory, we have officially retired the character of Flattus Maximus.
Just the other day I heard Cory tell a story about how some 20 years ago he was fourteen years old, at his first GWAR show, grabbing at the rubber feet of our then-current Flattus, and how blown away he was at the fact that now HE was the one getting his feet pulled by the same kid that he used to be. Cory was always in awe of the patterns of life and went through it with a wide-eyed amazement that translated through his playing. I’ve never known anyone who could pick up literally any instrument and rock it the first time he touched it, and more than that make it look easy. Behind that rubber monster outfit, and sometimes even obscured by it, was one of the most talented and beautiful people I have ever known. I know everyone who’s life was touched by Cory truly loved him, as do we, his bandmates and brothers.
- Dave Brockie, Nov. 4, 2011
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