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2018.DEC.9. TM. Manufactura. The Doors Alive

Publicat in: 04.12.2018, 06:10AM
Autor: Richard Constantinidi
Comentarii: 0
Vizualizari: 696
Etichete: Concert Timisoara, Manufactura, The Doors Alive
2018.DEC.9. TM. Manufactura. The Doors AliveThe Doors Alive

gasiti early bird tickets online aici: https://eventbook.ro/music/bilete-concert-the-doors-alive-capcana-9-decembrie
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The Doors Alive are a British tribute band widely regarded as the closest and most enthralling representation of the legendary 1960's rock gods The Doors in the world today.

The band re-create the sound, look, presence and magic of a real 1960's Doors concert, perfectly and effortlessly transporting the audience back in time with classic hits such as 'Light My Fire', 'When The Music's Over, Riders On The Storm, The End and many more. 

Their frontman captures the look, attitude, and rich baritone voice of the late, great Jim Morrison with ease while his compadres showcase the musical chops of original Doors members Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore with finesse.

The Doors Alive have left awestruck audiences all over the world and repeatedly sold out some of the most well established venues in the country, including 02 Academies all over the U.K. 

To achieve that authentic Sixties sound, the band use the very same instruments that members of the Doors originally used. These include vintage keyboards such as the Gibson G101 and the Fender Rhodes Bass, as well as the vintage Gibson S.G. Guitar.

pre-sale tickets pana 31 octombrie: 70 lei
online: https://eventbook.ro/music/bilete-concert-the-doors-alive-capcana-9-decembrie

pre-sale tickets 1 noiembrie pana 8 decembrie: 80 lei

tickets in ziua concertului: 90 lei



The Doors Alive este o trupa britanica de tribut considerata ca fiind cea mai apropiata si incantatoare reprezentare a zeilor rock din anii ”60, The Doors.

Trupa reuseste sa reproduca intocmai sunetul, aparitia, prezenta si intreaga magie a concertelor The Doors din anii 1960, si duce publicul inapoi in timp in vremea hiturilor „Light my fire”, „When the music’s over”, „Riders on the storm”, „The end” si multe altele.

Solistul de la The Doors Alive surprinde indeaproape infatisarea, atitudinea si vocea „nemuritorului” Jim Morrison, in timp ce colegii de trupa completeaza intregul muzical printr-o asemanare fina cu membrii Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger si John Densmore.

Aproape fiecare concert The Doors Alive este SOLD OUT, chiar si in unele dintre cele mai prestigioase sali de evenimente din Marea Britanie. In plus, pentru a reproduce intocmai sunetul anilor ”60, trupa foloseste instrumentele originale folosite de The Doors, respectiv clapele Gibson G101, chitara Gibson S.G. si bassul Fender Rhodes.

bilete: 70 lei
online: https://eventbook.ro/music/bilete-concert-the-doors-alive-capcana-9-decembrie
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