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Eufobia (Bulgaria)

Eufobia (Bulgaria)

EN. See the English version of the Biography BELOW

  • Localitate: Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Gen muzical: Death Metal
  • Anul înființării: 2009


Denumirea EUFOBIA provine din greaca veche Ãˆâ„¢i înseamnă  "frica de tot ce este bun".

Trupa a fost înfiinÈ›ată de Niki (Chitară & Voce) È™i prietenii săi: Steff (Bass & Voce) È™i Blago (Tobe). Ulterior membrii trupei l-au invitat pe prietenul lor Ivan (Chitară) în trupă. 

Până în prezent, formaÈ›ia a susÈ›inut peste 160 de concerte în: Germania, Polonia, Austria, Ungaria, ElveÈ›ia, Republica Cehă, Slovacia, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Italia, Grecia, Turcia, Republica Moldova, România È™i bineînÈ›eles în patria ei: Bulgaria.

Primul album, Insemination, a fost lansat în ianuarie 2010  prin casa de discuri românească Axa Valaha Productions. Albumul a fost înregistrat de unul dintre cei mai buni ingineri de sunet din Bulgaria: D.Velcev (de la Studio Stain). Conceptul de imagine a coperÈ›ii a fost creat de unul dintre cele mai renumiÈ›i graficieni din Europa de Est: C. Chioreanu de la Twilight 13 Media. Cel mai mare distribuitor de muzica rock È™i metal din Bulgaria Wizard a preluat distribuÈ›ia locală, iar compania americană Severed Records a preluat distribuÈ›ia pentru S.U.A. Au fost filmate videoclipuri pentru Pissing Squad È™i Justine, primul fiind realizat de B.Karamfilov, iar cel din urmă de A.Stojanov.

La începutul anului următor 2011 trupa a fost gata să lanseze al doilea album Cup of Mud, înregistrat tot alături de D.Velcev, iar design-ul pentru copertă a fost realizat de C. Chioreanu. Pentru aceasta lansare trupa a semnat un contract cu Wizard, compania bulgarească cunoscută pentru relaÈ›iile sale cu aproape toate firmele importante de distribuÈ›ie de muzica metal din lume. Unul dintre cei mai mari distribuitori de muzica metal, compania germana Twilight Vertrieb a preluat distribuÈ›ia  mondială a albumului. Videoclipurile pieselor: Cruel Child, Frog È™i Violin au fost filmate de B.Karamfilov, 

iar cele ale pieselor Maligna È™i Rain of Snails sunt regizate de  A.Stojanov.

Mai inspiraÈ›i decât au fost vreodată, membrii trupei lucrează de zor la cel de al treilea album de studio.



  • Insemination (Axa Valaha Productions, 2010)
  • Cup of Mud (Twilight Vertrieb, 2011)
  • (2016: TBA)




  • Niki (chitară, voce) 
  • Steff (bas, voce) 
  • Blago (baterie)


  • Niki (Nikola Bojakov, chitară, voce, n. 31.MAI.1981) 
  • Steff (Stefan Abajiev, bas, voce, n. 9.SEP.1986) 
  • Ivan (Ivan Gemojev, chitară, n. 26.AUG.1986) 
  • Blago (Blagovest Petrov, baterie, n. 9.MAI.1982)


BăieÈ›ii pleacă consecvent în turnee prin Europa, împărÅ£ind scena cu multe trupe respectate din scena underground precum: Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Vader, Immolation, Onslaught, Malevolent Creation, Gorgoroth,

Sinister, Keep of Kalessin, E-force, Agathocles, Broken Hope, Negura Bunget ÅŸi Suicidal Angels.

Trupa EUFOBIA a luat parte la următoarele turnee:

"Curse This Tour" 2008 cu trupa Carnal,  

"Horns Up Tour" 2008 cu trupele Onslaught È™i Suicidal Angels, 

"The Grindcore Balkan Tour" 2010 cu trupele Parricide È™i Abusiveness, 

"Insemination European Tour" 2010 cu trupa Krow,

"The Signs of Hell Tour" 2011 cu trupele Vader, Gorgoroth and Valkyrja, 

"Carpe Mortem Tour" 2012 cu trupa Soul Sacrifice

"European Conspiracy Tour" 2014 cu trupele Immolation, Broken Hope  Ãˆâ„¢i Sweetest Devilry.

Trupa EUFOBIA a participat în următoarele festivaluri:

Rockomotiva Fest (Craiova / România),  

Triunmphant Return of Blackness Festival  (Rohrbach / Austria), 

OST Mountain Fest   (RaÈ™nov / România),  

Rock Station Festival (Ankara / Turcia),  

Satan Klaus Metal Party (BucureÅŸti / România),

Barrock Fest (PetroÅŸani /  România),  

Tatto and Music Fest  (IaÅŸi / România), 

Death Fest  (Oradea / România), 

Brutal Fest (IaÅŸi / România),  

Brutal Attack Fest (ChiÅŸinău / Moldova),  

Onslaught Metal Festival (Kikinda / Sârbia),

The Power of Metal (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

Tribute to Chuck Schuldiner (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

United Underground  (Sofia/Bulgaria),

Massive Wasted Fest (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

Autumn Souls of Sofia (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

Trashing Mania (Sofia/Bulgaria), 

Winterstorms (Sofia/Bulgaria)  Ãˆâ„¢i aÈ™a mai departe.



RiCo pentru CZB: Cu ce ocazie ai învățat limba română?

Niki (liderul trupei, chitară, voce, Eufobia): Eu vin foarte des in Romania, am multi prieteni in tara asta iar si prietena mea este Romanca. De aia am invatat si limba, nedorind sa ma simt ca un strain in tara asta. Mie imi plac in general limbile straine. Vorbesc fluent Englaza, Franceza, Germana, Rusa, mai putin fluent Spaniola si bineinteles limba mea materna Bulgara, dar Romana este mai speciala pentru mine. Invatarea acestei limbi a fost ceva mult mai personal decat invatarea restul limbilor pe care le vorbesc. Romania este o tara minunata si multumita prietenilor mei eu ma simt foarte bine de fiecare data cand merg acolo. 



  • Hometown: Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Music genre: Death Metal
  • Debut: 2009


The name EUFOBIA has an ancient greek origin and it literally means "fear of good".

The band was founded by Niki (Guitar & Vocals) and a couple of friends: Steff (Bass & Vocals) and Blago (Drums). The bandmembers later invited their friend Ivan (Guitar) to join the band.

So far the boys have performed live more than 160 times in countries like: Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Moldova, Romania and of course their motherland, Bulgaria.

The first album, Insemination, was released in January 2010 by the Romanian label Axa Valaha Productions. The record was produced by one of the best Bulgarian producers, D.Velchev, in Stain Studio. The artwork was created by one of the most famous Eastern European graphic designers C. Chioreanu of Twilight 13 Media. The biggest Bulgarian distributor of Rock and Metal music Wizard took the local distribution in the country, while the North American company Severed Records distributed it in the U.S.A.

Videos for Pissing Squad and Justine were released to promote the album, the first one being directed by B.Karamfilov and the second one by A.Stojanov.

At the beginning of the following year 2011, the boys were ready to release their second album Cup of Mud. Once again the album was produced by D.Velchev and the artwork was done by C. Chioreanu. For this release the band inked a deal with Wizard, the Bulgarian company known for its partnership with almost every single major metal label or distributor in the world. One of the biggest distributors of Metal Music, the German company Twilight Vertrieb, took the worldwide distribution of the album. 

The videos promoting this album: Cruel Child, Frog and Violin were shot by B.Karamfilov, while those for Maligna and Rain of Snails were directed by A.Stojanov.  

More creative than ever the band members are preparing now their third album.


  • Insemination (Axa Valaha Productions, 2010)
  • Cup of Mud (Twilight Vertrieb, 2011)
  • (2016: TBA)



  • Niki (Guitar & Vocals) 
  • Steff (Bass & Vocals) 
  • Blago (Drums)


  • Niki (Guitar & Vocals) 
  • Steff (Bass & Vocals) 
  • Ivan (Guitar) 
  • Blago (Drums)


The band tours regularly across Europe, sharing the stage with fellow underground bands as well as with many well known ones such as:

Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Vader, Immolation,  Onslaught, Malevolent Creation, Gorgoroth, Sinister, Keep of Kalessin, E-force, Agathocles, Broken Hope, Negura Bunget and Suicidal Angels.

EUFOBIA  took part in the following tours:

"Curse This Tour" 2008 with Carnal,  

"Horns Up Tour" 2008 with Onslaught and Suicidal Angels, 

"The Grindcore Balkan Tour" 2010 with Parricide and Abusiveness, 

"Insemination European Tour" 2010 with Krow,

"The Signs of Hell Tour" 2011 with Vader, Gorgoroth and Valkyrja, 

"Carpe Mortem Tour" 2012 with Soul Sacrifice

"European Conspiracy Tour" 2014 with Immolation, Broken Hope and Sweetest Devilry.

EUFOBIA participated  in the following festivals: 

Rockomotiva Fest (Craiova/ Romania),  

Triunmphant Return of Blackness Festival  (Rohrbach/Austria), 

OST Mountain Fest     (Rasnov/Romania),   

Rock Station Festival (Ankara/Turkey),  

Satan Klaus Metal Party (Bucharest/Romania),

Barrock Fest (Petrosani/Romania),  

Tatto and Music Fest (Iasi/Romania),      

Death Fest (Oradea/Romania), 

Brutal Fest (Iasi/Romania),  

Brutal Attack Fest   (Kishinev / Moldova),  

Onslaught Metal Festival (Kikinda/Serbia),

The Power of Metal (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

Tribute to Chuck Schuldiner (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

United Underground (Sofia/Bulgaria),

Massive Wasted Fest  (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

Autumn Souls of Sofia (Sofia/Bulgaria),  

Trashing Mania (Sofia/Bulgaria), 

Winterstorms (Sofia/Bulgaria)   



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